ACOM Commends Mission Partners And Aid donors For Assistance
THE Anglican Church in the Province of Melanesia (ACOM) applauds the overseas Mission and donor partners for their support through the church towards the devastating
St. Nicholas Assist Guale Victims
St. Nicholas school hands over donations to the Diocese of Guadalcanal ACoM Media An Anglican Church of Melanesia owned St. Nicholas School is one amongst
More Than 10,000 Witness Passion Of Our Lord
MORE than ten thousand (10,000) Anglican members with in and few around the Diocese of Central Melanesia (DOCM) took the streets of Honiara in a
Positive Parenting Ready To Roll In Ysabel
A team from the Provincial Mothers Union (PMU) Office in Honiara carried out a capacity building on Positive Parenting and Leadership Workshop to the Diocese
“Disaster helps us not to forget God”: Archbishop David
“This disaster is not a punishment from God, BUT the disaster helps us not to forget God”. These are the words of the Archbishop of
Youth Gap Centre Introduced In DOVNC
THE Diocese of Vanuatu and New Caledonia (DOVNC) in Vanuatu is setting up Youth Gap Center that runs Youth Gap Program for young people in
DOCM MU Held Successful Conference
THE Mothers Union of the Diocese of Central Melanesia (DOCM) successfully ended their three (3) days conference held at the Christ the King Chapel yesterday
Students Learn GFS Program
Students and staff of Bishop Naramana Vocational Training Centre in Ysabel are lucky to attain extra knowledge from the Provincial Mothers Union team that visited
New Regional Head Brother For MBH Southern Region
THE Southern Region of the Melanesian Brotherhoods which includes the dioceses of Vanuatu and Banks and Torres, now has a new Regional Head Brother. He
Be Pragmatic: Archbishop David Told New Facilitators
THE Archbishop of the Church of Melanesia COM, the Most Reverend David Vunagi told the eighteen newly graduating facilitators to be pragmatic in their new