“We Need Balance Education” Archbishop David

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia, The Most Rev. David Vunagi says, Solomon Islands needs balance education system that will help children when they left schools.

Archbishop David made the statement in his keynote address at the St. Nicholas College graduation day on the 17th October 2014.

He said; “We need ‘balance education’ that is relevant and appropriate for the ordinary people. We need academics, doctors, lawyers and so on but I still believe that a good education system is one which educates the mass of the population and ordinary population on the street”.

“We need the kind of education that prepares students for every situation they face in life. We need the kind of education system that does not end in classroom after graduation.” Archbishop David highlighted.

He said; the current education system only allows small percentage of students to benefit while majority find themselves helpless after leaving school.

“About 80% of the population in this country live in the rural areas and depend on subsistence agriculture. In this regard, we need an education system that trains and equip students to be innovative and creative in life. Our students must be able to develop a subsistence way of life to deliver economic benefits to help themselves and their communities” Archbishop David stated in his keynote address.

The Diocese of Central Melanesia on which St. Nicholas College comes under wants the college to move away from the current education system that only creates an illusion of hope for our students.


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