St. Nicholas Unveils New Sign Board

St. Nicholas school is now called ‘St. Nicholas College’.
The Change of name formally took place the school graduation and prize giving day this morning (Friday 17th October 2014).
Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia the Most Rev. David Vunagi and Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development Dr. Franco Rodie unveiled the new sign board.
ACoM Education Officer (Formal) Mr. Desmond Waita said, the name changed due to a lot of transitions of different stages the school had gone through over the years.
“The transitional stages the school went through were from primary, secondary, inclusion of Form seven foundation and hosting of USP SI Campus for its students to do classes” Mr. Waita said.
Principal of St. Nicholas College, Mrs. Christina Vunagi acknowledges Dr. Franco Rodie and capable staff of the Ministry of Human Resources and Development for seeing it fit and accepting the name to be changed.
As the public will now have high expectation for the school, the school principal has confident that St. Nicholas College with its students, teachers, the school authority and its partners can make the school to be a choice for parent to educate their children in years to come.
“I believe we have the potential and capability as we have already done so to maintain academic excellence, to provide better facilities, to groom teachers to perform to standards and students to be just competent so that the change is not just by name only but also by performance, actions, attitudes, conducts of all who belong to this school and those who own and administer it,” Mrs. Christina said in her speech.
Huge number of students, staffs, parents, guardians and invited guests witnessed the unveiling of new sign board.
The new sign board is located at the Western end of the school administration building.


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