The General Synod

GENERAL SYNOD is the highest decision making body in the Church of Melanesia.  The General Synod will normally be called together by the Chairperson every third year but, at the Chairperson’s discretion, may be called more frequently if required.

Archbishop of the Church is the Chairperson of the synod or, in his absence, the Senior Bishop.

At the beginning of each day of the Synod, the Chairperson will ask for any Notices of Motion or Questions. These must be written out and handed to the General Secretary who will read them out and then hand them to the Chairperson, PROVIDED THAT at the Chairperson’s discretion, the right to move motions or ask questions pursuant to Clause K. 2 (b) hereunder may be suspended at any time during the second week of General Synod, but such suspension shall not apply to matters of urgency arising during the second week and which could not have been put forward during the first week.

A Motion can be brought forward on any subject which (a) affects the conduct of business in the Synod, or (b) seeks to express the mind of the General Synod on any matter of concern, but does not otherwise bind the Church PROVIDED THAT any motion involving the expenditure of funds or which has other financial implications shall be raised in the debate on the Provincial Budget.

Before each General Synod the Church’s Constitutional Review Committee shall review all Motions agreed to at the preceding General Synod and shall make a report to the next General Synod with a recommendation as to which of those Motions should be regarded as Standing Resolutions.

The General Synod shall consider the report and accept or reject any of the recommendations. All those recommendations which are accepted shall then be regarded as Standing Resolutions. They shall be printed with other Standing Resolutions on a special page in the Manual of the Anglican Church of Melanesia and they shall remain in force until they are cancelled at a further Session of the General Synod.

Minutes of the General Synod will be made each day by the General Secretary who may choose clerks to help him in this work. The Minutes will be confirmed the following day. The Minutes of the last day of the Synod will be confirmed by the Chairperson and three
other members of the General Synod appointed by the Chairperson. After they are approved, the Minutes will be printed and sent to all members of the Synod and to the Clergy of the Province.


The number of persons who may be clergy and lay representatives of the General Synod in accordance with Article 7 Clause A 2(b) and Article 7 Clause A 3(a) are as follows:

Representatives of the clergy who may be Senior Priests, priests or Deacons, elected by the clergy of each Diocese in the following numbers:
Central Melanesia – 3
Ysabel – 3
Malaita – 4
Vanuatu – 3
Temotu – 3
Hanuato’o – 3
Banks & Torres – 3
Central Solomons – 3
Guadalcanal – 3

Representatives of the Laity elected by the Lay Members of each Diocesan Synod from among the members of the Synod in the following numbers:
Central Melanesia – 2
Ysabel – 2
Malaita – 3
Vanuatu – 2
Temotu – 2
Hanuato’o – 2
Banks & Torres – 2
Central Solomons – 2
Guadalcanal – 3

Election of Representatives took place at the first Diocesan Synod held after a General Synod but those so elected will wait until the next normal meeting of the General Synod before taking up their duties.
The Dioceses hold at least one Diocesan Synod between one General Synod and another.

Information derived from the 2021 ACOM MANUAL.