Christian Care Centre

Christian Care Centre

THE Christian Care Centre (CCC) is an Anglican Institution operated by two orders of Anglican nuns, the Community of Sisters of the Church (CSC) and the Community of Sisters of Melanesia (CSM).The Christian Care Centre (CCC) plays an unique role in the Solomon Islands as the sole key provider of short term shelter to women and children affected by gender based violence. The church provided monthly grant for the entire operation of the centre, hence, donations and friends also support the CCC in its normal operation.

Christian Care Centre has a well-earned reputation with Ausaid, European Union, the Solomon Islands Government and World Vision as delivering, under difficult circumstances, a crucial service to vulnerable women and children. Unfortunately, despite much goodwill and support from the public and potential donors the Christian Care Centre has struggled to increase funding and develop long range plans to meet the growing needs placed upon it. In partnership with World Vision through Ausaid funding a clear 5-year strategy providing clear direction and support for organisational development had established for the centre on a sound financial footing and increase its effectiveness to play its role.

Contact Sister Rosa Caterine on Mobile: (677) 7629561 or Email: should you wish to know more about what is happening at Christian Care Center.


CCC Lights Up With Solar Power

Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace (MNURP) on Monday handed over solar power lighting equipment to Anglican Church of Melanesian (ACoM) owned Christian Care

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