CHRISTIAN Care Centre (CCC) owned by the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) blessed a memorial monument of the late Sr. Lilian Maeva at CCC, Tenaru

Auki Care And Counseling Center
IN 2007 the Diocese of Malaita (DOM) through the Anglican Church of Melanesia Board of Mission, implemented the Safe Families project funded by Oxfam Solomon
CCC Opens New Home For Victims Of GBV
THE Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) owned Christian Care Centre (CCC) has officially blessed and dedicated the newly built home for the young female victims
CCC Lights Up With Solar Power
Ministry of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace (MNURP) on Monday handed over solar power lighting equipment to Anglican Church of Melanesian (ACoM) owned Christian Care
“Domestic Violence Still On The Rise”: Sr. Doreen
“Some homes are no longer safe for women, young girls and Children”. This is a sad state of affairs reflected in the statement echoed by
Sr. Doreen: “Domestic Violence Still On The Rise”
“Some homes are no longer safe for women, young girls and Children”. This is a sad state of affairs reflected in the statement echoed by
New Knowledge And Skills Required To Tackle Today’s Problems: Dr. Hauriasi
Dr. Abraham Hauriasi, General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Melanesia made the statement at the official closing of the Trauma and Counseling training held