The Community of the Melanesian Brotherhood (MBH) commemorated Saint Simon and Saint Jude, two of its patron saints together with the closing of the 15th

Provincial Mother’s Union Council Meeting Unites Leaders from Across the ACOM
The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) Provincial Mother’s Union (PMU) Council meeting that commenced on Monday 4th has ended successfully this afternoon. This annual meeting
Pamua Water Source Near Completion
AROUND a thousand students, teachers and people living in and close to St. Stephen’s College – Pamua in the Diocese of Hanuato’o in Makira Ulawa
Hanuato’o Successfully Host 8th Diocesan Synod And Youth Convention
THE Diocese of Hanuato’o (DOH) has successfully concluded their 8th Diocesan Synod and youth & Sunday School Convention at St. Stephen Chapel – Pamua Community
Hanuato’o Youth Program Reaches Kirakira Prisoners
Oftentimes we tend to draw up more activities or mission targeting those who are already enjoying life in free environment. Those who can run around