The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) is making preparations for its highly anticipated 17th General Synod that will be held from the 5th to the 10th of November.

It will be hosted at the Headquarters of the Sisters of the Church at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK), near Tenaru area, east Guadalcanal.

The General Synod serves as the highest decision-making body for ACOM and will witness the participation of 71 official members, executive members, and observers.

The overarching objective of this synod is to deliberate upon crucial matters pertaining to the mission and Ministry of ACOM. This includes receiving reports from provincial activity centres of the ACoM and discussions on bills to amend the constitution of the Church.  Currently there are ten bills set for the deliberation of the synod. One of these relates to amending the constitution to cater for the inauguration of the proposed new diocese of Southern Malaita and Sikaiana island.

Under the theme “Uniting the ACOM for Holistic Growth and Development,” the synod aims to foster unity and collaboration among the various members of the church in achieving the mission of the Church, enabling them to march forward in harmony, working towards comprehensive growth and development.

At the helm of this gathering will be Archbishop Leonard, who will chair this very important meeting. He will be supported by a dedicated team that includes ACOM General Secretary, ACOM Chancellor, Justice Lyn Stevens, Vice Chancellor (Solomon Islands) Gabriel Suri,  facilitating the discussions and decision-making processes.

The significance of the General Synod cannot be overstated, as it serves as a platform for reflecting upon the achievements, challenges, and aspirations of ACOM over the past three years. It provides an opportunity for members to collectively strategize, identify areas of improvement, and chart a course that optimizes the impact of ACOM’s ministry in the communities it serves.

The frequency of ACOM’s synods showcases its commitment to maintaining an up-to-date understanding of the evolving landscape and the diverse needs of its congregants. By convening every three years, ACOM ensures that its vision remains relevant, adaptive, and inclusive, empowering the church to effectively address emerging challenges and opportunities.

The forthcoming 17th General Synod promises to be an enriching and invigorating experience for all participants. It will serve as a platform for open dialogue, sharing best practices, and fostering unity among the diverse members of ACOM in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia. With an eye toward holistic growth and development, the synod will undoubtedly shape the course of ACOM’s future endeavors, amplifying its positive impact within Melanesian communities.

As the church gathers once again for this significant event, expectations run high, and the anticipation for fruitful deliberations and decisive action is tangible. The 17th General Synod will undoubtedly serve as a catalyst for progress, as the collective wisdom and shared vision of ACOM’s members come together to shape a brighter future for the church and the communities it serves.

The official welcome ceremony of the synod will be held at TNK on Saturday morning followed by a retreat and a Holy Eucharist service at Saint Barnabas Provincial Cathedral on Sunday morning. Parishioners in Honiara are welcome to attend the Church service.


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