Trustees Relinquish Jejevo Land To ACOM

On Monday 25 August, contract document formalising the transfer of the title of the jejevo land to ACOM was signed between the General Secretary, Abraham Hauriasi, on behalf of ACoM, and Mr. Augustine Newman for the Trustees of the land on which diocesan administration of the Diocese of Ysabel is located.
The signing ceremony which took place at the Diocesan Conference room was also witnessed by the bishop, and diocesan secretary of DOY, the lands and property officer of the ACOM, and the four other trustees of the Jejevo land. During the ceremony, the General secretary also handed over to the trustees payment for the perpetual title to the land.
In his brief remarks during the occasions, diocesan bishop, Rt. Revd Richard Naramana thanked the trustees for their goodwill in allowing the church to take complete ownership and right in purchasing and obtaining the perpetual title to the land. This is indeed in keeping with the wishes of their forefathers who initially gave the land for use by the church. He expressed his pleasure that DOY now has certainty and security over its developments on the land
Representing the Trustees, Mr. Augustine Newman also thanked the DOY and ACOM for working with trustees to ensure that an outright sale takes place and they can finally surrender the title to the Church. They are pleased to allow the church to purchase the land to be used for its mission.
The General Secretary of ACOM also briefly spoke, thanking the trustees for their patience while awaiting formalities to be sorted with the lands department so the formal transfer can eventuate. He also thanked them for their willingness to surrender the title of the land to the Church and stressed that it has always been the preference of the church to acquire the perpetual titles of land on which it operates so the its dioceses and institutions are more secure given the increasing conflicts with lands under lease.


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