“Secularism And Materialism Weakens Societies”: Archbishop David

The society today is highly influenced by secularism and materialism and that has pushed the Christian faith to the periphery or to say the least, has killed the faith” Archbishop of Melanesia, The Most Revd David Vunagi stated in his key note address to the 19th Diocesan Synod of Malaita held at Buma village.

Archbishop David made the statement along with the theme of the synod: ‘Leadership for Transformation and Development’.

He said, in this age of secularism, money and material wealth have taken precedent over moral, ethical and cultural values and many so called leaders enjoy luxury life-style and create a gap between themselves and the ordinary people who struggle to make ends meet.

“What we see today is crisis in leadership or crisis in honesty” Archbishop David said.

“Corruption has taken control over general orders and administration procedures in our nation so that we do not know who to trust. This is having paralyzing effect in good governance and it is particularly affecting the service providers in our nation” he adds.

“We need leaders who are strong in moral and ethical values because they can allow such values to permeate in the church and society. Leaders who are themselves transformed in their own lives will help transform the lives of the people they serve”, Archbishop David said.

It is part of the mission of leaders to empower people to change their lives to be God and Jesus centred and allows their faith to grow, The Archbishop of Melanesia challenged the synod members.


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