Prison Inmates Assisted With Bibles

The Inmates at Tetere and Rove Correctional Services early August 2014 received gifts of Bibles from overseas friends.

This was revealed by the Chaplain to Hospital and Prison Fr. Ellison Koke.

The four (4) cartons of 39 Bibles were organized and sent by Fr. Ken Spreadborough of the Anglican Board of Mission in Brisbane.

“The Four cartons are combination of gifts from schools, organizations and other individuals in Australia who wish to help our inmates here in the Solomon Islands” Fr. Koke said.

“Twenty Six (26) Bibles were given to Tetere inmates and the remaining to Rove Inmates” Fr. Koke said.

The donation came after Fr. Ken of the Australian Board of Mission recently visited Honiara and asked Fr. Koke how he could assist the inmates.

Fr. Koke said the cartons also included children’s story books and were given to Bishop Patteson’s church, Koa Hill, Sunday school children, of the diocese of Central Melanesia.

This is another boost in helping the spiritual growth of our inmates.


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