‘Respect your Promises’ Archbishop told newly admitted sisters told

SIX Novices in the Community of the Sisters of Melanesia admitted into Sisterhood on the Pentecost Sunday at Veranaso, west of Guadalcanal on Sunday 24th May 2015.

They are: Novice Alice Wale from Temotu, Annie Ala’ha from Malaita, Brenda Vunapua and Elma Batama’a from Guadalcanal, Cathrine Koeta and Clarisa Liu from Isabel.

They joined the community as aspirant and novice since 2012.

Archbishop of Melanesia who is also the Father of the Sisters admitted and commissioned the six in the presence of the members of the religious orders, family members and relatives, associates and nearby communities.

Nine aspirants were also admitted to become novice on Saturday.

To mark the admission and commissioning of the six novices into sisterhood on the Pentecost day; the Archbishop of Melanesia the Most Reverend David Vunagi empowered them with the inspiring message about Pentecost.

Pentecost is a commemoration and celebration of receiving of the Holy Spirit by the early church. It is also the realization of the gift of holy spirit.

He also reminded the newly admitted sisters to respect their promises and follow the rules of the CSM.

He commissioned them to go out with the Power of the Holy Spirit and make changes to the lives of people in our communities.


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