Next Dean for ACOM Provincial Cathedral

REVEREND PHILIP RONGOTHA, the current Vicar General of the Diocese of Central Melanesia (DOCM) is the next Dean to the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) Provincial Cathedral – Saint Barnabas Cathedral.

Voted into the post by the Cathedral’s Chapter, Reverend Philip succeeds the Very Reverend Davidson Nwaeramo, 55 who is retiring in office at the end of this year.
The installation of Rev. Rongotha to the Cathedral’s chair will be on the 28th of January 2018, when he will begin his official duty as the Provincial Officer looking after the Provincial Cathedral.
Reverend Philip 52, holds Bachelor’s Degree in theology (BTH) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand (2006-2008) and Diploma in theology (with Distinction) from Bishop Patteson Theological College, Kohimarama (2000 – 2003).
He comes from Binu village, North Guadalcanal and is married to Jessie Rongotha. They have four children.
The very Reverend Davidson on the other hand is the longest serving clergy at the Saint Barnabas Provincial Cathedral. In his 25 years in the Priesthood Ministry, he served eleven years at the Cathedral. Three years as Rector and eight years as Dean. He started working at the Provincial Cathedral on the 5th of July 2009 and will end on the 31st December 2017.
Some developments at the Provincial Cathedral’s during his (The Very Reverend Davidson Nwaeramo) turn are the facelift of the Provincial Cathedral, newly built Melanesian haus and Desmond Probet’s hall.


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