MU Trains Positive Parenting Facilitators

This is one of the key messages the Mothers Union of the Anglican Church of Melanesia through its Positive Parenting Program wishes to convey to all the parents not only within the Church of Melanesia, but to the nation at large.

On Monday the 4th of June, Mothers Union Positive Parenting Program officially opened their 9 days Training of Facilitators’ workshop at the Saint Barnabas Cathedral’s Melanesian Haus. The facilitators come from various parishes within Honiara.

The purpose of the training is to equip these facilitators with the knowledge and skills required to carry out positive parenting programs in their  parishes.

Within the program, the participants learnt about the nature of relationships between parents and children – milestones that parents and children share; explore family life cycle and spiral on parenting and how best the participants (trainers) could put across this message to the parenting groups at the parish level.

Coordinator of the Positive Parenting Program, Mrs. Mary Vunagi urged young parents to attend the training when it comes to your diocese or parishes.

“The training would increase the understanding of the role of parents in their children’s lives at different stages of development and to be fully aware of the influence of family life spiral” Mrs. Vunagi said.

More than ten participants, both men and women, from the seven parishes within the Diocese of Central Melanesia are attending the workshop and will in turn carry out trainings on Positive Parenting in their respective parishes.

Four dioceses within the Church of Melanesia in the Solomon Islands are piloting the program which will eventually be rolled out to the rest of the dioceses of the Church.


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