Mission To Seafarers In Port Vila-Republic Of Vanuatu

AFTER the relocation of the Center from main down town Port Vila to the Ports and Habour area; around 47 seafarers have already enjoyed the facilities provided in the Mission to Seafarers Centre in Port Vila – Vanuatu.

These services include – transporting Seafarers both domestic and international into town,  access to internet services so seafarers can communicate with their families in different parts of the world.

“Seafarers with laptops also take theirs to the center, as we also provide wireless access” the Chaplain to Mission to Seafarers Port Vila Fr. Michael Tavoa said.

He said, the services provided at the centre is now demanding, and we are trying to negotiate with the telecommunication companies in Vanuatu especially the TVL Vanuatu and the Digicel to sell sim cards and top-ups for the seafarers as we realized that most of the vessels are coming into our port at night and there is less time for the seafarers to be given the opportunity to go out into the city.

“Since Vanuatu is one of the popular tourist destination in the world, the centre is also working to seeking advise from the Department of Tourism in Vanuatu should it be possible the center could also do the selling of souviers, drinks and other services as money exchange center”, he said.

“Seafarers also request mass on board their vessels and the centre is at the moment preparing liturgy suitable for the seafarers to use”, Fr. Michael said.

While the center began its operation in October last year at its current location, there are signs of extra hands and materials such as computers and Bible that will greatly benefit the need of the seafarers and the mission and objectives of the center, Fr. Michael said.

The Mission to Seafarers in Port Vila would like to thank the Anglican Church of Melanesia for the support given and also with the faithful support of the Mission to Seafarers Executive Committee.


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