Five Admitted Into Sisterhood At Veranaso

THE Community of the Sisters of Melanesia (CSM) celebrated the admission of five (5) Novices into the  Sisterhood on the PENTECOSTAL Sunday at Veranaso, east of Honiara.

Father of the Sisters, the Most Rev. David Vunagi conducted the admission of Sr. Jaclyn and Sr. Agnes from Guadalcanal, Sr. Jessie from Central Province, Sr. Rose from Malaita and Sr. Sarah from Temotu in the presence of the associates, other religious orders, staff and students of Bishop Patteson Theological College Kohimarama (BPTC) and Selwyn College and nearby communities who turned up to witness the community’s big day.

“Archbishop David reminded the community including the newly admitted Sisters to keep to their promises and abide by the rules set aside by the Community,” Head Sister of the Community of the Sisters of Melanesia Sr. Collin Wobur said.

The message does not come only to the Community of the Sisters of Melanesia (CSM) but also to the other three religious orders.

Sr. Collin said the community has a total of 102 Sisters and Novices who lived in different households within the Church including their headquarters at Veranaso.

The CSM thank the relatives and friends of the five newly admitted Sisters, the associates and church members for their prayers and support towards this memorable day in the calendar of the Community.


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