MBH opens new coconut crushing mill

THE Melanesian Brotherhood (MBH) of the Anglican Church of Melanesia now has a coconut crushing mill established at Tanaeba area just close to the MBH Headquarters at  Tabalia.

The Project was official blessed by Bishop Micheal Tavoa and handed over to the MBH community by a representative from the Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands on Friday 6th February 2015.

The handing over was made after a successful installation of a cool press machine and surveying of the ninety nine (99) hectares of coconut plantation owned by the MBH community.

The MBH secretary Mr. Alphonse Garimae said, the Cool Press machine is worth SBD$65,000.

Following on from the survey and installation of the machine; Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands yesterday (10th February 2015) began to train the members of the religious order (MBH) how to use the machine and the steps taken till the final product.

It was a very successful and interactive training that was conducted by Mr. Douglas Doli of the Kokonut Pacific Company.

“Other trainings, surveys and inspections will follow suit,” Mr. Douglas told the MBH members as he urged them to always follow the basic rules and steps in the working environment.

“MBH Coconut Crushing Mill will now one of the supplier of virgin coconut oil to the Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands,” the MBH Head Brother Br. Matthias Tovotasi said.

The Melanesian Brotherhood thanked the Kokonut Pacific Solomon Islands for their support towards the successful establishment of the project.


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