Easter Ecumenical Father’s Arise Convention At Taroaniara

More than two hundred fathers from various churches in Honiara, Malaita and Ngella came together to spend four days in prayer and worship during the Easter weekend at Taroaniara in the Diocese of Central Solomons.

The convention was a collective effort for men of different churches and backgrounds who have a common desire to reveal God’s kingdom message to a lost and dying world, with the theme “LIVING WITH THE RISEN LORD – ARISE FATHERS”.

On one of their sessions, Fathers were able to learn about the Foundation of Manhood into fatherhood. Under this topic, Evangelism Coordinator Reverend Stanley Mamanu of the Anglican Church of Melanesia draws the attention of all participants back to the reading of Genesis 1:26-28 where the bible tells about the creation of the Universe, the origin of human beings, the beginning of sin and suffering in the world and about God’s way of dealing with people.

“Man is God’s only unique and special creation, made in his image and own likeness, who is also given dominion over all other creatures on earth” Rev. Mamanu stated as he quote Psalm 8:4-6.

Man is God’s preceding word referring to MIND, ATTITUDE and NATURE. This fraction of the earth characterizes man to be a think, feel and do creature. Man must think right, feel right and do right. Only then can man qualify himself to live with the risen Lord. Rev. Mamanu continued.

In another session, they discussed Fatherhood Ministry as a Channel through to Manhood.

Here they were taught that the ministry of fathers is to rise and defend the dignity and to protect the family.

“Don’t spend your time protecting your denomination but rather feed on God’s word. The bible is man’s property from God that is filled with sound instructions for fathers to give to the children before you leave the earth.

The simplest test of good fatherhood is just to turn around and see if your family is following you, if not, there is something still to be done”, the fathers were told.

The most important responsibility for fathers (believers) is to make sure children are brought up in a life that is acceptable to God who gave life to all.

The Easter convention enabled a huge number of fathers to know more about their roles and responsibilities as heads of their families.


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