DOM Opens new church building

A New Church building of a modern design was consecrated by the Diocesan Bishop of Malaita, The Rt Rev. Sam Sahu at Faurau village in Gwalalamoa parish, Northern Region on the 15th of January, 2015.
The Anglican newly consecrated church was named after St. Thomas the apostle.
The Chairman of the consecration committee Hon. Leslie Kwaiga said the new church building was built in ten months and cost about $300,000 to complete.
The Chairman said that the church building was based on self-reliance and the hard work of his family members who stood with him in raising funds required to meet the dead line for the opening.
Mr Kwaiga said he was very much pleased to have men of God from various parishes and communities around Mbita,ama area for the dedication ceremony.
The closing ceremony was very moving when the Chairman and his committee members presented more than thirty (30) shell money and forty (40) pigs and several thousand dollars to the invited guests and other church and community leaders who attended the consecration.


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