Bishop Loe Officiates Admission of New Members CSC sisters

Sisters congratulating the newly admitted Novice and Postulants. Photo by Bishop Benedict Loe

Six Postulants and one Novice were officially admitted into the Community of the Sisters of the Church (CSC) at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK), east of Guadalcanal this morning.

The service was presided over by the Bishop Protector of the community, The Right Reverend Benedict Loe, who is the Bishop of the Diocese of Guadalcanal.

The admission of these new members marks a significant milestone in the history of the community that underscores the strong sense of devotion and faith that exists within the community as they commit themselves to a life dedicated to prayer, service, and spiritual growth.

Bishop Benedict Loe, known for his unwavering commitment to promoting religious vocations, delivered a heartfelt reflection during the ceremony. He highlighted the importance of embracing one’s calling and dedicating oneself to a life of service to others.

The Bishop also encouraged them to remain steadfast in their faith and to approach their chosen path with humility and compassion. The congregation listened attentively, offering prayers of support and blessings for the newcomers as they embarked on their spiritual journey.

The Sisters of the Church warmly welcomed their new members, embracing them with open arms and offering words of encouragement.

The addition of these new members will undoubtedly enrich the spiritual fabric of the community as they work together toward their collective mission.

The Bishop and the entire congregation expressed their gratitude for the new members’ decision to embark on this incredible journey, affirming their commitment to support and guide them throughout their spiritual vocations.

The Community of the Sisters of the Church is an international body of girls within the Anglican Communion, living under the gospel values of poverty, chastity and obedience, desiring to be faithful to the traditions of the Religious Life while exploring new ways of expressing them and of living community life and ministry today.


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