The Council of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) concluded a vital two-day training session aimed at enhancing their effectiveness as spiritual leaders this afternoon. (Tuesday 4th June 2024).

Held at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK), the headquarters of the Sisters of the Church, east of Honiara near the Tenaru area, this intensive program focused on equipping the bishops with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their roles in the discernment and formation process of clergy within their respective dioceses.

The training, which took place over two days, was designed to help ACOM Bishops develop a more effective process in determining the suitability of those who feel a call to the ordained ministry in the Church. The Church at its last General Synod passed a new Canon on Ministry Standards and a vital component of that canon is the discernment and formation process of those called into the ordained ministry. Key topics included decision-making processes related to the church’s canon and constitution, as well as the examples of those who are called by God in the Bible for a special ministry and how they were formed to fulfill this task.

Chancellor of ACOM, Justice Lynton Stevens, the Right Rev. Ross Bay, Bishop of Auckland, New Zealand, and Bruce Gray, Chancellor of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia facilitated the training. Their combined expertise provided the bishops with a wealth of knowledge and practical insights.

The training was not only a learning opportunity but also a chance for the bishops to reflect on their spiritual journey and the profound responsibilities they bear for the clergy and laity in their dioceses. By delving into specific Bible verses and teachings, the bishops were encouraged to align their leadership practices with scriptural principles, thereby strengthening their spiritual and pastoral duties.

This initiative underscores ACOM’s commitment to continuous improvement and spiritual growth.

The training marks a significant step in the ongoing development of ACOM’s leadership, ensuring that its bishops are well-prepared to meet the challenges of their roles and serve their congregations with renewed vigor and faith.


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