Water And Sanitation Project Reaches Remote Communities

Two experts working on the water pipe project that supplies water into the village in the very remote communities in Northern Vanuatu. Joses Togase

Since the Anglican Church of Melanesia (Vanuatu) commenced the implementation of the Vanuatu Church Partnership Program (VCPP) with (AusAID and ABM) from 2010 to date, an increased number of communities have benefited from funded projects and resources channeled through this partnership Improved access to safe water, increased awareness and demonstrations of good hygiene practices are two key focus project activities being implemented by ACOM Vanuatu in some of the most remote, isolated and highly populated community areas in northern Vanuatu.

In Torba Province the following communities were beneficiaries of improved safe water systems and good hygiene practices awareness presentations and demonstrations; Loh in Torres Islands, Leon Bay in northwest Vanualava, Wovet community at Motalava, Dolap, Ontar & Quetegaveng in remote west Gaua and five villages of Nebek District in southeast Gaua.

In the Sanma Province, VCPP/ABM funding support had complemented greatly the endeavors and services of the Anglican Church to the communities of Big Bay Bush in Santo, Sanma Province. While in Penama Province, funds were utilized to improve safe water access to remote and isolated communities of Arevo in North Pentecost and south Ambae.

Nduindui communities in west Ambae were also fortunate to receive and utilize Church Partnership Program (CPP) fund to repair and maintain two huge community owned underground reserve water storage wells. Funds committed to these community based projects were sourced from CPP Area3 allocations according to the project structure.

The support came in form of materials like poly tanks, poly pipes, rain catchments, ventilated improved pit (VIP) toilet systems.

This is a huge relief for the communities in Banks and Torres and Sanma Provinces.

Follow up basic water management training will follow for the water committees of these projects as well as good hygiene practices awareness and demonstration to the communities.

According to the ACoM VCPP Coordinator Mr. Josses Togase, developing such projects and implementing it together with the community members and stakeholders has summed up a lot of experiences and challenges but communities have demonstrated their commitments with the village authorities, such the chiefs, school committee, teachers and village based clergies.

“In some villages we have to carry the materials 5 to 10 Km down the valleys because of very bad road conditions for vehicles to travel” he said.

The villagers expressed their gratitude to the Church for bringing in donors to help develop the very basic necessities of life especially in the rural and remote islands.


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