Students and staff of Bishop Naramana Vocational Training Centre in Ysabel are lucky to attain extra knowledge from the Provincial Mothers Union team that visited the Centre on the 16th of March 2014.
In the PMU team’s short visit to the Centre, PMU President, Mrs. Edith Koete talked about the role of the Girls Friendly Society (GFS).
She outlined the importance of the GFS program , especially in the upbringing of young people.
Young people are no mistake will become Fathers and Mothers; Mrs. Edith said.
“GFS in particular prepares young girls to become parents one day”, she continued.
“The program prepares young females from kitchen activities, home care, life skills and many more;” Mrs. Edith said.
She encourages young girls in particular to involve in this program back in their parishes as it will help shape young people to become good parents in the future.
“The MU is also proud of the program which helps to tackle social issues in our country;” she added.
Talks have also been made between PMU and the school to have the program in the school.
“Should the Vocational Training Centre accept the program, PMU will be happy to support the program in terms of human resources and materials for the program”, Mrs. Edith said.
Girls Friendly Society is a program brought in by the MU of the Church since 1997 after seeing it fit for young girls as they will become parents one day.