Saint Clare Clinic Lights Up With Solar Power

THE Anglican Church owned Saint Clare’s Clinic next to Taroaniara ship Yard station on big Ngella, Diocese of Central Solomons (DOCS) will no longer find problems with lighting and preservation of medications in freezers.

This came after the Anglican Church of Melanesia Solar Project Officer; Mr. Holland Sikou successfully installed a one (1) Kilowatts Solar System on the 7th of September this year.

The project was funded by the South Pacific Commission (SPC) under its Small Energy Projects Programme (SEPP). The total costs of the solar panels and accompanying accessories was SBD $94,608.

According to Mr. Sikou, the system can light up the full interior of the clinic with security lights in and around the building and freezers where certain medications can be kept.

“The power runs twenty four hours”, he said in an interview.

“With the installation of this system in place and twenty four hours of power, it will certainly improve our services here”, Mrs. Margaret Mara, the nurse in charge said.

“The Clinic used to pull power from our main diesel power station at Taroania ship Yard, but that does not run twenty four hours”, she said.

She also highlighted that the freezers in particular running twenty four hours will really help the clinic to not travel to the nearest hospital in Tulagi to get medication, but can now store their own medications.

She said more than four thousand people living in the 15 small villages and four big villages are served by the clinic.


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