Melanesian Brotherhood Commemorates 10th Anniversary Of Seven Martyrs

ON SUNDAY the 20th day of October 2013; the Melanesian Brotherhood (MBH) commemorated the 10th anniversary of the seven Brothers who lost their lives in pursuit of peace and social order for this nation Solomon Islands during the height of the Ethnic Crises.
The seven martyrdom are: Brothers Robin Lindsay from Papua New Guinea, Francis Tofi from Tikopia, Alfred Hilly from Isabel, Tony Sirihi from Makira, Nathaniel Sado from Central Province and Ini Partabatu and Patteson Gatu from Guadalcanal. In his message at this anniversary, Reverend Ben Wate said, the Martyrdom of the seven brothers is a testimony and confirmation of the commitment of the Melanesian Brotherhood to God and his church. “The seven Martyrs have demonstrated what it means to be true sacrificial gift” Rev. Wate said.
Head Brother of the Melanesian Brotherhood, Br. Mathias Tovotasi told the huge crowd who attended the ceremony that in order to honor the murdered Brothers, their peace legacy must be uphold and defended. “We must protect their achievement of peace so that their death may not be in vain” he continued.
Despite challenges, the Melanesian Brotherhood is determined to implement its six marks of mission, one of which is to strive for peace and reconciliation.
The then Premier for Guadalcanal Province, Hon. Steven Panga said reconciliation between the family members of the martyred Brothers and the relatives of those involved in the killing must be done.
“Although the seven martyred Brothers have brought peace to the nation, reconciliation between family members of the seven brothers and those involved in the killing must be carried out,” Premier Panga said in his speech at the ceremony.
“This is one of my government’s priorities today”, Premier Panga told the gathering.


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