A commemoration service was held this morning at Tabalia, the headquarters of the Melanesian Brotherhood (MBH) in west Guadalcanal, in remembrance of the seven members who were martyred during the ethnic conflict in the Solomon Islands in 2003.

The service, held at the Brotherhood’s graveyard, bring together members from the surrounding communities of Tabalia, companions of the MBH, and visiting family members.

The Rt. Rev. Othnielson Gamutu, Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Central Melanesia, who preached at the service, said: “The death of the brothers demonstrates their commitment to their calling and the bravery, faithfulness, and unwavering courage they exhibited in their efforts to restore peace to our nation.

“Their martyrdom is not just a memory; it is a continuing call to all of us to pursue peace and reconciliation, no matter the cost,” Bishop Gamutu expressed during his sermon.

He emphasized the ongoing relevance of the brothers’ mission in today’s context, urging those present to live out the values of peace and dialogue that the brothers died defending.

The Melanesian Brotherhood, established in 1925, has been a significant religious community within the Anglican Church of Melanesia, known for its role in peace-building and community service.

Today’s commemoration not only remembers the past but also reinforces the Brotherhood’s commitment to healing and unity in the face of division.


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