AROUND a hundred Mothers Union (MU) members and Girls Friendly Society (GFS) members within the Diocese of Central Melanesia and Selwyn College came together to mark the Annunciation day at Vura parish on Saturday the 9th of April 2016.
Annunciation in the World Wide Mothers Union Calendar is the Christian celebration of the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, marking his Incarnation.
Bishop Willie Pwaisiho who is currently in the country shared a short but powerful message from the Gospel reading in Luke 1:46 – 55.
From the reading he said, “Through the blessed Vergin Mary we are renewed and recreated in the manhood of Jesus Christ”.
He also reminded and encouraged the MU members that God touches humanity through recreation and renewal that happens through Mary – the birth of Jesus Christ.
Admission of two new MU members and Commissioning of the new leaders of the GFS COUNCIL also took place during the service.
Rebecca from the ACoM board of mission also talked on the serving’s club activity, a program mothers are encouraged to take on to help them make servings at home.
The Theme of the day is: “Mothers’ may we see the world through the eyes of Christ”.
VICAR General of the Diocese of Central Melanesia Fr. Philip Rongota, diocesan staff, Rectors and other supporters of MU and GFS in the diocese came to witness the program which ended with entertainments.