CSC Opens New Conference Hall

As part of their preparations towards the coming General Chapter, The Community of the Sisters of the Church (CSC) on Thursday the 21st of August 2014 officially blessed and dedicated their newly built conference hall at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK), east of Honiara.

The hall was dedicated and officially opened by the Bishop of the Diocese of Guadalcanal, The Right Reverend Nathan Tome.

The locally built hall is where the Great Conference or Known to them as the General Chapter of the Sisters of the Church will be held. This Con­ference will bring together all leaders and representatives of the Community of the Sisters of the Church throughout the world.

The Community of the Sisters of the Church General chap­ter will run from the 14th to the 28th September.

The Mother Superior for the Sisters of the Church World Wide – Sr. Linda Mary from Australia and Sr. Hilda Mary from England are already joining the community at TNK.

The General Chapter is when the leaders and representa­tives in each Province will talk about the Mission and Ministry of the Community at large. The challenges and way forward for the community in the future are some of the items normally on the agenda.

“This will be the largest gathering for the Community compared to the past General Conference,” Sr. Linda said.

This General Chapter will bring together around seventy (70) members. More overseas guest will be arriving early next month September.

This is the first time the CSC in the Province of Solomon Islands is hosting this great conference.

It will be the 14th General Chapter in the history of the Community of the Sisters of the Church. The last meeting was held in Canada in 2011.


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