ACOM Climate Change conduct Climate Change Policy Consultation

THE Anglican Church of Melanesia through its Melanesia Board of Mission is conducting a climate change policy consultation.

This initiative is supported by Episcopal Relief Development (ERD) which is sponsoring the Climate Change Program of the Church’s food and water security project for the atoll islands of Ontong Java (Lord Howe islands) in the Diocese of Malaita.

The aim of this consultation is to visit every diocese and meet with as many people possible to explore and discuss about Climate Change and its variability.

The objective of the consultation is to identify the emerging themes and issues that are caused by impacts of climate change on the communities in the Solomon Islands.

Another objective is to improve communities’ understanding of climate change and of the appropriate ways to respond to its efforts.

The outcome of this consultation will form the basis of a document containing a statement and recommendations that will be the basis for drafting the ACoM Climate Change Policy.

ACoM Climate Change Coordinator Mr. Jasper Bonie says, he is hoping the first draft will be completed by mid-June.

Mr. Bonie, together with ACoM Project and Aid Coordinator George Bogese and Pacific Alliance Pacific Facilitator Tagolyn Kabekabe are currently carrying out the consultation.


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