17TH GENERAL SYNOD – 5th to 10th November 2023

Announcement & Notices

Event details

  • November 5, 2023 - November 10, 2023
  • Sunday, 9:00 AMto4:00 PM (Everyday)

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17TH GENERAL SYNOD – 5th to 10th November 2023

2023-11-05 9:00 to 2023-11-10 16:00
November 5, 2023


17TH GENERAL SYNOD – 5th to 10th November 2023

2023-11-05 9:00 to 2023-11-10 16:00
November 5, 2023


17th General Synod

Around 100 General Synod members and Observers from the nine Dioceses, AcoM Institutions, and representatives from the Melanesian Mission Trust Board in New Zealand will come together at Tetete Ni Kolivuti (TNK) the Headquarters of the Sisters of the Church (CSC) from the 5th to 10th November for the highest meeting in the Anglican Church of Melanesia (AcoM).

The General Synod is the highest decision-making body in the Church and is normally called by the Archbishop (Chairperson) every third year but, at the Chairperson’s discretion, may be called more frequently if required. In the Absence of the Chairperson, the Senior Bishop will Chair the meeting.

The Theme for this General Synod is; ‘Uniting the AcoM for Holistic Growth and Development’.